March 31st & April 1st, 2023 at the Pyle Center
Please join us on Friday, March 31st and Saturday, April 1st at the Pyle Center for the 2023 GAFIS Symposium, entitled:
Living the Land: Global and Local (Trans)Formations
hosted by the Department of French & Italian, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Download the 2023 GAFIS Symposium PDF Schedule
Friday, March 31st, 2023
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Special Collections Exhibition: Given to Remember: The Holocene Extinction in Print
(Room 984, 9th Floor Memorial Library)
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Registration (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Land Acknowledgement
Molli A. Pauliot (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Keynote Speaker, Dr. Candace Fujikane – University of Hawai’i – Department of English
Elemental Cartographies: Academic Activism for Renewed Abundance
(Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Welcome Reception
GAFIS 40th Birthday Celebrations
(Pyle Center, 2nd Floor)
Saturday, April 1st, 2023
8:00 am – 8:30 am
Registration (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Morning refreshments (Pyle Center, Lee Lounge/109)
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Opening Remarks (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Dr. Joshua Armstrong (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
9:00 am – 10:15 am
Panel 1: Exploring Human Settlements: Past and Present Connections (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Alessio Giovene (Florida Atlantic University)
Giovanni Raboni and Milan
Lam Chook Kuan (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris – UPSI, Malaysia)
The Early Reception of Tash Aw’s Narrative in Malaysia: An Ecocritical Interpretation of Harmony Within Dissonance in The Harmony Silk Factory
Martina Giuliano (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The Narration of the Urban Space of the Banlieue and Barrio in La Haine and Zero
Panel 2: Environmental Aesthetics: Perspectives on the Land (Pyle Center, Rm. 335)
Arianna Salomon (Florida Atlantic University)
Impressionistic Venice in Diego Valeri
İlayda Buse Demirci (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Land Poetics: Ecological Awareness in light of Marxism in Nâzım Hikmet and Yaşar Kemal’s Works
Luke Ptak (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Poésie sur Alger is a Poem: Le Corbusier’s Unbuilt City, Stephane Mallarmé and Georges Bataille
10:15 am – 10:30 am
Morning Break (Pyle Center, Lee Lounge/109)
10:30 am – 11:45 am
Panel 3: Inhabiting Nature: Gendered Relationships with the Earth (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Faith Ellington (Louisiana State University)
Religious Attitudes and the Physical Earth in French and Russian Women’s Great War Poetry
Erica Fitzgerald (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Understanding the fertile Anthropocene: How new materialist feminism contributes to the understanding of human dominance within soil fertility
Isaac Würmann (Freie Universität Berlin)
Out in Nature: Camping with the Lesbian National Parks and Services
Panel 4: Land and Conflict: Resolution and Restoration (Pyle Center, Rm. 335)
Thomas Brami (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Framing Land: Karrabing Film Collective goes to the Art Gallery
Dyala Kasim (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Reclaiming the Homeland: Palestinian American Understandings of Home in Literature
Léna Remy-Kovach (University of Freiburg/University of Wisconsin-Madison)
“When we heal our land, we are healed also:” Land recovery as kinship and restoration in contemporary Native dystopian fiction
Alejandro Beas-Murillo (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Queer Borders and Membranous Names: The Body of War in Omar El Akkad’s American War
11:45 am – 01:00 pm
Lunch Break (Pyle Center, Alumni Lounge)
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Panel 5: Earth and Water: Redefining Environmental Spaces (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Kristen Greteman (Iowa State University)
Reconstructing the Lost Lakes: Using Historical GIS in the Prairie Pothole Region
Tessa Archambault (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Against Earth and Sea: Ecological Disharmonies in Marguerite Duras’ The Sea Wall
Will Parrish (UC Santa Cruz)
Indigenous Sovereignty Protects the Land and Water: The Spatial Politics of Indigenous Resistance to Pipelines
Panel 6: Dreaming the Land: Revisiting and Exploring Possible Scenarios (Pyle Center, Rm. 335)
Kalamakaleimahoehoe Porter (Duke University)
Exploring Citizen Science Tools to Unlock Layers of Meaning at Historical Sites
Angela Stigliano (York University, Canada)
Modern Homesteading and Settler Identity in North America
Alice C. M. Kwok (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
From Vínland to Algeria: Mapping a Usable Past for Settler Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century France
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Afternoon Break (Pyle Center, Lee Lounge/109)
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm
Panel 7: Made for the Land: The Animals, Us and Nature (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Nicholas Miller (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
Commercial Trapping: Out of the Wilderness into the Urban
Tatiana Feshchenko (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
The metaphor as the inquiring tension in Leonardo Sciascia’s The Day of the Owl
Roberto Argentina (Rice University)
Humans and olive trees in Salento: a timeless relationship faces an existential crisis
3:45 pm – 4:00 pm
Afternoon Break (Pyle Center, Lee Lounge/109)
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Round Table Discussion (Pyle Center, Rm. 235)
Dr. Candace Fujikane (University of Hawai’i)
Dr. Grazia Menechella (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Dr. Stephen Young (University of Wisconsin-Madison)